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For sale nice apartment 2+kk, 103 m2, P2 Vinohrady

For sale 2/3+kk apartment


in the centre of Prague

Balbínova P2 - Vinohrady


Popis nemovitosti

In exclusive representation I would like to offer you a unique opportunity to buy a 2+kk apartment in private ownership in Vinohrady with the possibility of conversion to 3+kk. The apartment is located on the 5th floor of a brick building with elevator in the southern part of Vinohrady near Wenceslas Square. Sensitively renovated apartment building is located at one of the best addresses in Prague opposite the building of the Czech Radio. Generous apartment 2 + kk of 103 m2 with a spacious bathroom, separate toilet and a room that can be converted into a bedroom or study.

The living room and the current bedroom have a western orientation. The kitchenette is connected to the hallway. Everything is complemented by a large bathroom with shower and bathtub. One toilet is located in the bathroom, the other is separate. The apartment is currently used as an airbnb. The apartment is furnished including kitchen, air conditioning and electrical appliances. You can move in immediately or use it for rent without further investment.

Vinohrady is a prestigious Prague district sought after not only by foreign clients. The historic centre is within walking distance as well as theatres, museums, galleries, renowned restaurants, parks, schools and shopping centres. The main train station is a 10-minute walk from the house. Muzeum metro station is less than 500 m away and the public transport network will take you anywhere in Prague.


The property can be financed with a mortgage, which our mortgage specialist will be happy to help you with.

Come and see the potential of this property in person. If you are interested in my offer or need to add any information, do not hesitate to contact me and book an appointment in time for a viewing day. I look forward to seeing you.


14 990 000 Kč

Property documents


Vladimír Rekl

Obchodování je to, co mně baví. S prokazatelnými výsledky se mu věnuji v různých oborech více než třicet let. Mám rád výzvy a rád hledám cesty vedoucí k cíli. Všechny nové zkušenosti zúročuji a posouvám do každodenní praxe. Je skvělé poznávat nové lidi a přinášet jim nejlepší řešení.

Proč vsadit právě na mě? Jsem si vědom, že člověk nekupuje ani neprodává nemovitost každý den. Pro mnohé z nás je to jedno ze zásadních životních rozhodnutí spojené s velkou investicí a očekáváním. Proto ke každému prodeji/koupi/pronájmu přistupuji s maximální péčí, zodpovědností, individuálním přístupem a stoprocentním nasazením.
Pokud chcete prodat svou nemovitost, nejste si jisti cenou, potřebujete odhad nebo jen nezávaznou konzultaci, neváhejte se na mě obrátit. Rád se s Vámi sejdu u šálku kávy a vše probereme.


Vladimír Rekl

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