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For sale apartment 3+1 in private ownership 55 m² + loggia 7m², P9 - Střížkov

For sale spacious apartment 3+1, 55 m²

with a loggia and excellent accessibility

Střížkov, Prague 9

Popis nemovitosti

Are you looking for a home that combines practicality, space and strategic location? This 3+1 apartment with a usable area of 55 m², located on the 4th floor of an eight-storey block of flats in Rumburská Street, could be just the thing for you.

The apartment offers everything you need for comfortable living. There is a spacious loggia (7 m²) overlooking the greenery and a storage room (1.5 m²) on the floor, providing practical storage space. The south-east and north-west orientation guarantees plenty of natural light throughout the day.

The interior of the apartment is in original maintained condition. The bricked core and the reconstructed electrical wiring within it are a benefit and a good foundation that will save you the trouble and finances in any renovation. Monthly costs are 3700 CZK + utilities.

Perfect location for living in Prague

Střížkov is a very desirable and popular location due to its excellent accessibility and comprehensive amenities. Only 300 meters from the house is the metro station Střížkov, from where you can reach the city center in a few minutes. Within walking distance you will find everything you need - supermarkets, schools, kindergartens, sports centers and medical facilities. The nearby Friendship Park is not only a walking destination with the longest network of water areas and canals in Prague, but also a meeting place and for children in the hot summer you will find a newly built pleasant paddling pool, which turns into a public ice rink for the winter. You can try it out now and spend an advent afternoon here.

This apartment is an ideal choice for families, individuals and investors looking for quality housing in a quiet location with convenient connections to the city centre.

We will be happy to help you with the financing of this property and guide you through the entire buying process.

If you are interested in the offer, arrange a viewing and come and see the potential of this property for yourself. I look forward to seeing you!


6 990 000 Kč




USABLE AREA: 55 m2 The property also includes a loggia of about 7 m2 and a storage room on the floor

OTHER PARAMETERS: energy efficiency D, plastic windows, connection to all utilities (water, electricity, gas and sewerage), 4th floor with elevator

TRANSPORTATION: bus and metro stop 200m from the house

USE: suitable for family housing with good accessibility to the centre of Prague

ADVANTAGES: low monthly costs 3 700 CZK + energy, excellent civic amenities, quiet location, great transport links, close to kindergarten and primary school, Park Přátelství


Municipal Office Prague 9 https://www.praha9.cz/

Calendar of events https://www.praha9.cz/o-praze-9/kalendar-akci

FB Prague 9 https://www.facebook.com/praha9dobraadresa

YouTube P9 https://www.youtube.com/@mestskacastpraha9380/videos

Nine in Motion https://www.devitkavpohybu.cz/

Transport https://www.praha9.cz/urad-a-samosprava/doprava



Property documents



 Here you can find basic information about the property such as the title deed, PENB, cost...

Vladimír Rekl

Obchodování je to, co mně baví. S prokazatelnými výsledky se mu věnuji v různých oborech více než třicet let. Mám rád výzvy a rád hledám cesty vedoucí k cíli. Všechny nové zkušenosti zúročuji a posouvám do každodenní praxe. Je skvělé poznávat nové lidi a přinášet jim nejlepší řešení.

Proč vsadit právě na mě? Jsem si vědom, že člověk nekupuje ani neprodává nemovitost každý den. Pro mnohé z nás je to jedno ze zásadních životních rozhodnutí spojené s velkou investicí a očekáváním. Proto ke každému prodeji/koupi/pronájmu přistupuji s maximální péčí, zodpovědností, individuálním přístupem a stoprocentním nasazením.
Pokud chcete prodat svou nemovitost, nejste si jisti cenou, potřebujete odhad nebo jen nezávaznou konzultaci, neváhejte se na mě obrátit. Rád se s Vámi sejdu u šálku kávy a vše probereme.


Vladimír Rekl

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